First there was a Key, then an Academy, a Time Watch, and now a Sphere!

The World Jumper

As the Evers Series reaches its climax, Lola and Devlin uncover more about their peculiar heritage and ancestors and spend some time with the High Elves on The Summer Iles—a world that no longer adheres to the constrictive notions of time and space. Between kidnappings, break-ins, the loss of her parents, and newfound magical abilities, will Lola find the happy ending she deserves?

The Evers Series delivers a wholesome, uplifting experience!

After a nail-biting cliffhanger, we finally understand how everything happened and all our questions are answered. The characters are all extremely well developed, most of the leftover plot lines get tied in, it has unique pacing compared to the other books, with multiple alternating POVs.

Amazon review

I started this series to “pre-approve” it for my newly teen granddaughter. It was lovely to go through Lola’s and Devlin’s maturing into their skills and gifts. I would recommend this series to parents and teens alike. It is clean and wholesome. It has pretty much everything I want in a book.

goodreads review

The author has developed a rich set of characters, which you are excited about learning more from. The underlying plot is reasonably simple – but well structured. Writing is simple and easy to follow.

bookbub review