Blood Magick – Blood Magick Trilogy Book 2

Spice Level: 🌶

Tom Callaghan’s life has been completely turned upside down.

Blood Magick

In a matter of months, he went from being the boy next door to the Last Blood Mage, and chaos now seems to be at its peak. Between attacks on his home, his family, and his friends, Tom must face the internal war raging inside him: should he remain in the safe and comfortable haven that he now knows with his fellow Travelers at The Academy? Or should he face the unfathomable challenges that await him in a whole new world at the Harding Academy for the Magical Arts?

In order to defeat The Master, it looks like there is only one path that Tom can take in order to succeed. But will he come out the other side?

Blood Magick is the second book in the Blood Magick Trilogy.

I think I love this book even more then the first one lol! I feel like there’s definitely more magic and action in this one and I freaking love it. We learn so much more about Tom and see him grow so much in this book. This is an amazing book for those who love Paranormal YA Fantasy!

Amazon review

Wow! This book picks off right after the last one! Lots of Action, lots of teenage boy angst, magic, curses, evil villains and so much more. I couldn’t put it down. It tickles my Harry Potter, Magician loving heart!! Can’t wait to see what happens next!!

goodreads review

Middle books in a trilogy can be tricky as they have to a) answer some questions from the first book without revealing all, b) move the plot along in new directions and c) show us character growth that will allow a resolution in book three. This second book in the Blood Magick series successfully accomplishes all of these tasks.

bookbub review