The choices you make might shift the balance of a 6,000 year-old war

“If you are still inside my library when the sun rises, you will die.”
Kendra White did not believe him, even after the world around her exploded into sights, sounds, smells and other sensations she could not understand. She screamed into the chaos but still did not believe.
Her day had begun with a frightening Rorschach Test in her therapist’s office, and had only gotten stranger since. Now she struggles to make sense of her surroundings, her pain, and a threat she feels is only an illusion.
It is not—if she can’t pass the Librarian’s test, she will die at dawn. For having been accidentally brought part-way into the Seven Domains, she will now need to embrace them fully or never see another day.
But even if Kendra survives her night in the Library, it is only the beginning. For she is new to this strange world that lives alongside our own. She will need to learn its Ways quickly… or be sacrificed as a pawn in a six-thousand year-old game.
Amazon review
There should be a warning label on this book: Do not start reading if you have any important plans today.
Amazon review
Simply put, it’s hard to stop reading. Havens has created a complex new world of power and magic with its own history and internal logic. Definitely worth your time.
Amazon review
A page turner of a story, set in a world that is surprisingly complex, internally consistent and absolutely unlike anything else I’ve read.