The Apprentice Storyteller – Wishmaster Book 1

Spice Level: 🌶

“The Alchemist” meets “Star Wars” in this uplifting 2019 Author Elite Awards Top 10 Finalist

The Apprentice Storyteller

Viola Alerion, a renowned storyteller in the Haldrian Empire, wants to be left in peace. For years, she’s been hounded by her past, never to find a moment’s rest. Then she meets a boy who wants to become her apprentice. He refuses to take no for an answer, and she reluctantly yields, even though she knows taking him with her could endanger his life. As their journey progresses, Viola begins to understand she’s not the only teacher in the equation. The nameless boy also has something to teach, but Viola makes for a reluctant student.

Can she give way to possibility and embrace a future in alignment with what she’s always wanted? Can she find the courage to embrace the principles that will transform her life? Can she overcome her circumstances and face her past? Or will she keep on running with nowhere to hide? And what of the boy who guards untold secrets and exhibits mysterious powers that defy belief?

The Apprentice Storyteller is a thrilling blend of fantasy, science fiction, spiritualism, and mystery. My favorite part was seeing the growth of the characters as the story and all of its secrets gradually unfolded.

Amazon review

Viola and the boy’s polar opposite personalities make for a deeply intriguing read, especially when it came to their growing relationship and compelling character development throughout the book. Astrid’s unique talent of painting vivid pictures with words was thoroughly enjoyable, and she did an outstanding job in building a magical world tethered with realism.

Amazon review

This is not the genre I would normally select, but I took a peep inside and was enchanted. The spell persisted. It is not just a story, it is a story about storytelling and the magical abilities of storytellers. I remained beguiled, not only by the narrative but also by the induced contemplation on the essential symbiosis of imagination and reality.

Amazon review