The Omega Children – The Return of the Marauders – Book 1

Parents killed. A hidden hostile land. The last of their line. They have no idea what’s coming next.

The Omega Children

The Omega Children – The Return of the Marauders is the first book in a YA semi-fantasy, action-adventure series featuring subterfuges, secret passages, costumes of power, strange beings, and a madman hell-bent on revenge.

Melaleuca (Mel – la – luke – Ka) is left in charge of her wayward cousins when all of their parents are murdered, and she and her cousins are whisked away to a strange, hidden land to be cared for by a dithering Uncle and a cruel Aunt. None of her cousins will follow Melaleuca’s lead, as all of their lives, they have been raised with no rules and left to run wild, making it nigh on impossible.

What’s more troubling is the land has never progressed past the Victorian age. When a discovery is made allowing them to use the powers their parents once wielded, she begins to understand. As she tries to guide her cousins using the powers, they are sent to a vicious, cruel, disciplining school where they find children secretly waiting for the Marauders to return.

However, the teachers seem intent on breaking down Melaleuca’s resolve and crushing the spirits and bodies of her cousins, if necessary. They are the last of their line. If Melaleuca and her cousins are broken then all they are sent to save will be doomed forever.

If you like hard to put down, fast-paced mysteries, with engaging plot twists revealed only as the characters discover them, and a complex storyline, then you’ll love Shane A. Mason’s compelling Omega Children Series.

GET YOUR COPY of The Omega Children – The Return of the Marauders NOW!

Addictive. Dark, but not in a depressing way. Can’t wait to see how the series continues.

Amazon review

I enjoy fantasy and I came across this book for young readers. Once I began to read I became increasingly interested in the four children and their ultimate destination, which of course was not revealed. As my interest was piqued and as the characters of the children unfolded I realised that this was quite a complex plot which would be highly entertaining and imaginative for the intended audience.

Amazon review

I am past the “young adult” age but thoroughly enjoyed this book. It was hard to put down. I would recommend it for those that like mystery and fantasy books.

Amazon review