It’s Totally Platonic

When two best friends swear it’s just friendship, until it isn’t.

Its Totally Platonic

After a three year long relationship ends, after Cam comes out as trans, Camden’s life is derailed a bit. He starts isolating himself even more from people and stops doing as much to be social. On his 24th birthday his best friend decides that enough is enough and they are going to have their seventeenth year of birthday traditions; during the festivities they come up with a plan to get Cam back to his old self and get him out there again.

After numerous failed social situations, and Cam not wanting to do anything still, he decides to try online places to make friends. Just. Friends. Strictly platonic. They quickly hit it off with a boy named Elijah and the two boys start talking every day. The downside? Eli lives twelve hours away, works third shift, and everyone thinks they are in love with each other. It is strictly platonic, right?

This book was absolutely incredible, well written and one of the most realistic love stories I have ever read.

goodreads review

I sat and read the entirety of this book in one sitting. It completely captured my attention and told a sweet romance story unlike anything else in the market right now. The characters are inclusive and relatable.

goodreads review

This book by Alex Kramer is a wonderful debut novel. It explores the differences between platonic and romantic relationships. It shows how even with a platonic relationship, you can experience the intimacy of cuddling without it having to lead to anything else. It explores the true meaning of consent. It explores asexuality and being transgender. All very valuable things to discuss in this day and age.

amazon review