It was a nice, friendly Space Opera. With passive-aggressive families, gambling, and double-dealing, but nice. Still, watch your back.

The third volume in the H2LiftShip Series starts off at the beginning of modern history, joining pieces of Jupiter’s living clouds with Earth’s octopuses and our DNA-infused computers. The octopuses signed on as navigators on Solar Sail ships, using their three brains, eight arms and love of math to explore the solar system with their mammal partners.
HiveMother, builder of bioGels at the Heliopause, tried to re-write the Heliotail HiveSisters’ software in her image, precipitating the HiveWars.
We follow Captain Graciela, her crew and Captain Herb of the Heliospheric Navy as they escape the TailGel-enhanced algal rocket ships and join the fight at the Core: Earth and Luna.
Amazon review
Bosons Wave is the most exciting and adventurous book in the series, as it entails lots of action, intrigues, and thrilling plot twists, like Captain Graciela and Captain Hierro’s mind games against one another, the threat of space pirates, and the war at the Hive. It was truly an interesting experience finding out how Bosons Wave weaved her way past all of these waves.
Just when you thought it couldn’t get any better than it already is, Bob Freeman finds yet another way to enthrall our minds. Space pirates, naval deployments, and even an all-out galactic war. The thrill ride is endless.
goodreads review
The author, without a doubt, leaves his mark in the science fiction world with this novel, and the H2Liftships series. Innovative, different, captivating, and pulsating. These would be the only befitting description for Bob’s books. Bosons Wave is truly magnificent, and it is one that everyone who appreciates a great book would enjoy.
goodreads review