
Janus – Phoenix Rising Book 1

John Smith of Aretu served his queen in battle before setting aside his weapon to broker an alliance. Jenifer of No Last Name is tasked to keep him alive. She is a steel skinned warrior hiding who she once was. Many still hid behind masks, and those hiding are the ones who want John Smith dead.

Just Stu

Just Stu

After kissing his best friend, John is convinced he’s ruined everything. A slow-paced romance and a journey to self discovery and acceptance.



A gorgeous but stubborn woman determined to care for her siblings is convinced someone is following her. Can she deal with this stalker herself? Or will she need to enlist help from her grouchy army ranger landlord?

Keeper of Shadows

Keeper of Shadows

A cursed teen is slowly transforming into a dimension-hopping wraith-like soul collector, and his only hope for survival lies with the popular girl next door who has accidentally discovered his dark secret.

Knight of Elysia

Knight of Elysia

Barista by day, Drag King by night, A.J. plays Knights of Elysia to escape the everyday stress of navigating his life as he embraces his newly found gender identity.