The uplifting historical novel rooted in the American Civil War/Great Depression era about secrecy, scandal, friendship, & truth

Along the Red Dirt Road

It is 1933, and a pandemic of homelessness, joblessness, despair, and financial ruin grip the nation. Wind and drought ravage the central plains, and an ambitious new president takes office. Under such circumstances, Annie Young, her parents, and a dog named Bitsy abandon the Dust Bowl for a fresh start back east.

Hillview harbors lingering wounds from the Civil War and strange undercurrents that defy reason or virtue. The innocent girl is befriended by an old woman marked by scandal and a ragtag boy from ages past. Both are hostage to an untold story – one that Annie is compelled to reveal.

So it begins, in the Shenandoah Valley at the apex of the Southern Rebellion. The road takes us to the parched and impoverished Midwest, then back to the Valley in 1933. Too long, old prejudices and a closely held secret poisoned the community. It is time for the truth to come forth – to empower her descendants, her kindred spirits, and all who may be touched by this tale.

This is a book with broad appeal and a very timely message.

Amazon review

My search for an uplifting read during our troubled times happened for me while traveling this Red Dirt Road.

Amazon review

I experienced the full gamut of emotions – laughter, tears, anger, fear to this heart-warming story.

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