Souls – Shadow World Book 1

Spice Level: 🌶🌶

Monster hunter loses her memories and gets tricked into selling her soul.


Saving the one you love is possible but not free. Adia learns the price when she makes a deal with a demon and sells her soul. Nobody, not even her husband, remembers she ever existed.

She now lives in the City of Souls, a paradise run by demons. There she meets Austin, a former hunter now working for the monsters he hunted.

To remain in Paradise, you must follow the five rules set by the King Demon:

The Castle, Dark Forest, and the Edge are off limits.
No leaving your cabin in between double and first bell.
No harming the lions or guardians.
No acts of romantic affection.
Obey the King. No exceptions.

Breaking a rule will lead to Consumption where the real Hell begins.

Adia doesn’t break one rule; she breaks them all. Not everything is as it seems in this Paranormal Fantasy written by Megan Wolters. There is much for Adia and the reader to unravel as they face monsters, lions, and the King Demon.

It’s a great story! I loved the world building! There was a lovely twist in there that I didn’t see coming! I love books like this.

amazon review

It’s been a long time since I’ve read something with a completely original concept and it was so refreshing!

amazon review

This story starts with many questions that turn into twists that keep you guessing and wanting more up to the last words.

amazon review