The Girl That Would Be Lost – The Battered Souls World Book 1

Jake would protect Kat with his life, but would he be too late?

The Girl That Would Be Lost

I couldn’t remember what it was like to be a child. That innocence was stolen from me at the tender age of nine. The one bright spot I had in foster care was Jake. But nothing good ever lasted long. All too soon, he was taken from me, and once more, I found myself treading water to keep from drowning.

Then I met Richard. The golden boy who promised me the world but only gave me more of the same terror I’d known growing up. There was only one way to escape my husband’s grasp… run and never look back.
So here I was, thirty, alone, and fighting to stand on my own.

Would I be able to find the happiness I’d dreamed of, or would Richard find a way to pull me back under?

When I met Kate at the age of ten, I knew she was my soulmate and that I wanted to marry her, but my plans were crushed when we were torn apart. Instead, she became the memory that taunted me. At thirty-one, I’d climbed the social media ladder and lived the life that most people envied, yet the happiness I sought eluded me.

So, I decided to head home and re-evaluate my life. One chance encounter later, fate had given me a second chance. The moment I saw Kate, I knew I would lay my life down for her. Richard had taken everything from her, and I wanted to be the balm her heart needed to heal.

Could I save her without paying the ultimate price, or was Richard’s malice stronger than I ever could’ve imagined?

The Girl That Would Be Lost A Book In The Battered Souls World Written by Brooklyn Cross is a heart wrenching second chance at love romance that will entrance you right from the beginning with its beautifully strong characters and a heartbreaking plot full of angst, suspense and of course unconditional love.

amazon review

I absolutely loved this book ! I would rate this 5+ stars! I was drawn in right from the start and couldn’t stop reading until the end. Brooklyn Cross gives her characters such depth and I experienced a rollercoaster of emotions while reading what they were going through.

amazon review

This story left me with so many feelings!!! I may have even shed a tear or two (haven’t done that in a bit). I was not prepared! In a good way I promise. While still having a distinctly Brooklyn Cross writing style, Kate(or Kat) & Jake’s story was full of second chance angsty vibes but, definitely still showing those darker/suspenseful elements I’ve come to love about her stories. And, of course the hard-fought HEA for our MCs!

Amazon review