Dragon’s Kiss – The Blood and Flame Saga Book 1

Spice Level: 🌶

What can a traitor assassin do against a dragonlord liar?

Dragons Kiss

Every month, the great black dragon comes.

Every month, a child is snatched.

That’s all the village of Kalma knows.

But Semra was one of those children, and she knows the truth: there is a dragonlord in the mountain, raising the children into his own personal syndicate of assassins.

When seventeen-year-old Semra learns they aren’t fighting evil but are in fact evil themselves, she risks everything to expose the dragonlord. As one young, nobody assassin against the king’s security and an army of her former colleagues bent on her destruction, Semra must uncover the truth and save the royal family before the dragonlord rips them apart and plunges the kingdom into war.

I will tell you this, E.A. Winters knows how to write a gripping start for a fantasy novel! Dragon’s Kiss opens with some serious action and […] keeps you glued to the page.

Amazon review

Far off places, daring swordfights, dungeons, assassins, dragons, and a missing prince!

Amazon review

Wow! When the book starts off with an assassination attempt and takes off from there into indoctrination, training, and political intrigue, you know it’s going down.

Amazon review