A far-distant world plunged into chaos

High above Daros, sixteen-year-old Brecca Vereen prepares to unload a cargo of trade goods aboard her father’s ship, the Envy’s Price. Nellen Vereen shows her a mysterious artifact bound for a contact below, one that will earn them a lot of credits, and one that they definitely won’t be declaring to customs.
Materializing out of nowhere, alien invaders fire upon all ships, destroy the jump gate, and knock out communications. The Envy’s Price is crippled, and as her father tries to guide it down from orbit, Brecca rescues the illicit artifact and jettisons in a life pod to an uncertain fate below.
On the flagship of the invading fleet, Navigator Frim tries to persist within the cruel autocracy of the Zeelin Hegemony, under constant threat of death, but wishing for something better. And then she notices a whisper of radiation above Daros – the trail of a cloaked Vonar ship. What are they doing in the midst of all this? And will the captain kill her just for revealing this disagreeable news?
Daros does exactly what space opera ought to do. It entertains.
At Boundary’s Edge, SPSFC Semifinalist review
This author knows just how to land these jokes, with the right tone, and the narrator just knocks it out of the park.
The Weatherwax Report, SPSFC review
Well worth your time and attention and I highly recommend it if you like space battles, smuggling, a daring rescue mission, intriguing aliens, brave, strong female characters, moral decision-making by a teenaged heroine, friendship and honour in the face of death.