You Feel Me – You Owe Me Book 3
That’s the vow I made my father and I intend to keep it. We’re out of the facility, yet the Organization is not out of our lives.
That’s the vow I made my father and I intend to keep it. We’re out of the facility, yet the Organization is not out of our lives.
Since my father’s betrayal and our arrival to this strange facility, I have a thousand unanswered questions haunting me. Why are we here? Who are these people and what are they planning? I’m not sure I want to know the answers. Because the more I discover, the darker this whole place seems to be.
My name is Ruby Heaven. It may strike you as unusual, but I’ve never dreamed, or at least I’ve never remembered any dream. Until him.
Two artificially intelligent rulers control Earth and use humanity to service their needs. David 00472, a Human Service Attendant under scrutiny by one of the AIs, meets another attendant who challenges his notion of freedom and what it truly means to be free.