Dread Naught but Time – Scribes Divided Anthology Vol. 2

Brought to you by a collective of accomplished authors from nearly every time zone across the world, these timeless stories inspire, terrify, delight, and explore that most human of shared experiences: living our lives second by second, until our time expires.

Everything is Wonderful Now

Everything Is Wonderful Now – The Requiem Series Book 1

A bullied girl meets a fallen angel when she wants to end her life. When she ages she transitions to Sean, a disabled trans man with C-PTSD who a disabled trans man with C-PTSD, he not only meets spirit guides from Hell, he realizes that his biggest threat has always been the ‘other’ that dwells in his own head.

Graves Not Deep Enough

Graves Not Deep Enough

When Rebecca loses her parents, she is shipped cross-country to an aunt she barely knows in fairytale-nightmare mansion of grasping turrets and secret rooms, perched on the side of a cliff in the middle of Nowhere, USA.

Hearing Wind

Hearing Wind – Elemental Wolf Book 2

Crater Lake has been off-limits to Kindred for centuries, and now it has suddenly opened its gates for an unusual full-moon race. Nora and Benji have been searching for Zayden since the disastrous night in a cemetery. A lead brings them to Crater Lake, but is it a trap?