For Readers
Finding good books to read shouldn’t be a frustrating (or ugly) experience. Here at Pretty Bookshelf, we’re trying to make it easier to find great books that are right up your alley. Books that might otherwise be buried. The books you find here are all by indie authors, so you’re also supporting “the little guy”—writers who are passionate about what they do but don’t have the backing of a big publisher. By buying indie, you are helping these writers live out their dreams.
Disclosure: This site uses affiliate links and earns a small commission on book sales generated from links on this site. This commission is paid by Amazon, not the author. Indie authors keep their entire royalty. It’s not much, but it helps to defray the costs of maintaining this site as well as the efforts to promote books on this site. Thank you for your support!
For Writers
Are you an indie author? We’re all about boosting people like you by helping you find your audience. By guiding readers to the books they might be interested in, they’re also finding indie authors they didn’t know they would love. That could be you! To submit your book for listing on the site, fill out this form. Please be as accurate as you can with your book details. The quality of book suggestions depends upon it.
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This site was built by an indie author with the goal of uplifting other indie authors and their books. It’s completely free for authors to submit their books to Pretty Bookshelf, and free for readers to browse and search the entire catalog. New books are always being added and additional site features being built. Donations help a lot toward the smooth running of this site. Find out how you can help.
Accuracy of listings and suggestions
One of the major goals of this site is to make it easy to find specific books that might suitable for specific readers. Suggesting similar books is a big part of that. These suggestions are based on the “meta data” of each book. This data is provided by the author, and not verified by the site. Characteristics like genres, tropes, and other tags are at the discretion of each author, with the assumption they will try to be as accurate as possible.