The Master Key – The Lancaster Trilogy Vol. 2

Spice Level: ๐ŸŒถ๐ŸŒถ๐ŸŒถ

Unlocking the past, could unleash chaos…

The Master Key

Josie begins her new life in the future as wife to the world president, John Lancaster. But all is not idyllic. A dangerous man from her past returns to wreak more havoc and destruction. Along with him comes a hostage, Josie’s great-niece seven times removed. The trade offโ€”a keycode for the life of her niece.

As revelations of Josie’s long-ago past begin to unfold, every question she has ever asked is answered. Together with John, she heads to the Scrap Yard, a cybernetics space station where a battle to regain control of the worldโ€™s droids begins. Can Josie save the life of her new-found niece? Will learning the truth about her family and her past really be enough to put the ghosts to rest?

This book has everything about Josie that I loved in the first installment. She was still quirky and lovable, but with flaws that enhanced her personality.

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This character has such personality and this world has a dangerous sparkle.

amazon review

Sucked me into Josie’s life and had me experiencing everything as if I was actually there!

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