Dear Father

Spice Level: 🌶🌶

A woman’s lifelong search for her father

Dear Father

A promise is a promise… until it’s not.

This is a story about a woman making a promise to herself to find her father, no matter who or where he is.
Betty (Betz) Doyle was born in the late 1920s. She is raised as an only child to a single mother. On her mother’s deathbed, she hopes the identity of her birth father will finally be revealed. When it isn’t, her desperate search begins.

Betz embarks on her hunt in the small town she grew up in. There has to be someone who knows the facts surrounding her birth. When a yellow rose mysteriously appears on her mother’s headstone each year on her birthday, Betz is convinced it is a clue that will lead to the father she never knew. But does it?

This tale is the sequel to Dee Miller’s suspenseful romantic novel, Anneliese. A story of the life of Betz’s mother, a free spirited, independent woman, and the choices she made. In Dear Father the plot thickens, taking the reader on Betz’s life mission to uncover the mystery of her birth father, but can she?

Excellent book that kept your attention with every page that was turned! I couldn’t put the book down and was sorry when it ended!

amazon review

Dear Father is a short but very worthwhile read that left me yearning for more. An enjoyable read and a high recommend for me.

Explore Authors Magazine

A fascinating story of resilience and inner strength, Dear Father is a moving slice-of-life novel that strikes a chord in your heart. Author Dee Miller tells an absorbing tale that is emotionally resonant and filled with romance, intrigue, and drama.

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